Diseases of oral organs are not given time until severe pain, bleeding, and grogginess begin. Prevention of tooth and gum diseases is based on simple methods, ignoring which leads to health problems. We have fully disclosed the topic of disease prevention, so that you properly care for your health and seek help in time.

Oral diseases are common non-communicable diseases that bring discomfort and pain to people throughout their lives.

Caries is the most common among the evaluated disorders. The pathological process is accompanied by a change in the color of enamel, softening of hard tissue. The presence of a wide range of harmful products, constant stress, consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking have led to the fact that 95-98% of the population has such a problem.

The main causes of dental caries:

  • A favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which is formed due to the lack of regular proper cleaning;
  • malnutrition with an excessive consumption of carbohydrates;
  • damage to internal organs and systems;
  • constant stress, up to the development of depression.

Lack of oral prophylaxis leads to periodontitis – a disease of the periodontal tissues. It is accompanied by bleeding, gingivitis (swollen gums), loose and shifting teeth, and bad breath.

Untreated tooth decay can lead to periodontitis, an inflammatory process that gradually destroys the bone tissue near the root of the tooth. It is manifested by lingering pain in a certain place, throbbing painful sensations, pus discharge, tooth mobility, fever and general deterioration of the condition.

Chronic periodontitis often proceeds without any symptoms. The patient seeks help too late, when the affected tooth can no longer be saved. That is why we emphasize proper nutrition and oral hygiene. These simple methods can keep your smile healthy and beautiful.

For home brushing, be sure to choose the right toothbrush. It is desirable to choose a medium hard toothbrush to clean the oral cavity well without traumatizing the gums. You need to change it every 1-4 months, depending on the specific variant.

Pharmacies and stores sell two main types of toothpastes: hygienic (have a purely cleansing and refreshing effect) and therapeutic and prophylactic (designed to prevent caries, periodontal diseases and oral mucosa). The composition of the latter includes biologically active additives, so you should choose toothpaste carefully, following the recommendations of the dentist.

Instead of the usual toothpicks, after eating, it is better to use a floss. Dental floss made of synthetic fibers cleans the interdental spaces well, prevents tooth decay and inflammation of the gums.

In addition, take care of what to rinse your mouth for prevention. It is enough to fill your mouth with plain water and make short baths. It is more effective to use special rinses, but it is safer to choose them with your doctor.

If you often consume drinks with coloring pigment, rarely or incorrectly carry out hygienic procedures, then it is worth resorting to professional cleaning.