Tooth decay is the most common problem that patients come to dental clinics for treatment.

Often tooth decay is not noticeable at the initial stage, and in 70% of cases patients seek treatment when a large area of the tooth is already affected.

Neck caries is the most insidious, because it develops in areas where the enamel of teeth is the thinnest. That is why the development of dental caries is faster, and if you do not seek treatment, you can lose a tooth.

What is dental caries

Neck caries is caries that develops in the tooth’s near-peripheral area (tooth neck). Dentists classify tooth decay as “neck decay” because of the localization of the disease.

In the initial stages, caries in the vestibular area is unnoticeable and does not cause pain. As we said earlier, the disease progresses quickly: without the necessary treatment, the decay quickly affects the pulp of the tooth and the patient has painful sensations – often as the first noticeable symptom.

The structure of a tooth includes three parts:

  • The crown (the visible part of the tooth);
  • the neck (the closest tissue from the crown of the tooth to the gum);
  • the root (we can’t see it, it’s under the gum).
  • Neck area of the tooth

Very often, patients confuse “tooth root decay” with “tooth neck decay”. Below we provide an illustration that shows their differences.

Neck caries: causes of development

The causes of neck caries – can be completely different, so we will tell you about the main ones that can lead to its development.

Poor hygiene
It is insufficient oral hygiene that becomes the reason why caries develops (not only in the neck area).

Soft plaque builds up on the teeth.
Bacteria multiply in the plaque and produce organic acid.

The acid leads to tooth decay – cavities.
Good oral hygiene minimizes the development of decay in the neck and other parts of the tooth.

Gum disease
Another factor that often causes tooth decay to develop in the neck area.

Plaque and germs accumulate in periodontal pockets, which is why tooth decay develops in the neck area.

So even gingivitis (the mildest form of gum disease) can cause tooth decay in the neck area.

Enamel demineralization
Despite the fact that tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body (75% is made up of inorganic substances), it can also “weaken” under the influence of various factors.

Enamel can be affected by a variety of factors:

  • the patient’s diet (frequent consumption of sweet drinks, flour products, juices, wines, citrus fruits and foods high in starch);
  • lack of fluoride in the body (in case of fluoride deficiency it is necessary to perform fluoridation of teeth – their saturation with fluoride);
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption).

Treatment of dental caries

In general, the treatment of caries in the neck area depends on the stage of pathology. The earlier the patient applies for treatment, the more conservative and cheaper the treatment will cost.

Before treating neck caries, the doctor assesses the situation and the stage of development of pathology.

At the initial stage, when caries in the stage of a small spot, treatment is carried out by the most conservative method.

Doctors carry out:

  • Professional cleaning of teeth (removal of soft plaque and tartar)
  • Fluoridation and remineralization of the affected area of the tooth.
  • Next, the dental therapist makes recommendations to the patient on home care of the oral cavity.

With conservative treatment of dental caries, it is necessary to keep an eye on the area where the treatment was performed and attend scheduled dental consultations – for a professional checkup.

Treatment of superficial and middle stage dental caries
If the treatment was not carried out at the initial stage and the carious area has already destroyed the first layer of enamel, the doctor removes the carious cavity and installs a photopolymer filling.

Treatment is carried out in two stages:

  • Removal of the carious area.
  • Restoration of the tooth using composite materials.

In some cases, to improve the aesthetics of the tooth, patients are fitted with ceramic veneers.

What will happen if you do not treat dental caries in the advanced stage?
A tooth may be so decayed that it cannot be treated. As a result, the tooth will have to be extracted.

In addition, there is another danger: a neglected tooth decay can spread to neighboring teeth and damage them (intercontact decay).