Bad breath is a problem for many people, it causes discomfort and insecurity. The reasons for its appearance are many, and some of them can level the person who suffers from the problem. Dentists of Kiev are ready to reveal the main causes and ways to combat unpleasant odor.


To cope with the problem, it will be possible only after studying the causes of its occurrence. If it comes to the odor of breath, it is:

Insufficient or poor oral hygiene. If you do not brush your teeth 2 times a day, forget about the tongue, then the odor is likely to be. It is important to treat caries and other oral pathologies in time;
stress. The hormone cortisol, released in stressful situations, can provoke the accelerated development of pathogenic microflora, in the mouth including. Some other hormones can do the same;
drinking water in insufficient quantities. The norm of 2-2.5 liters can vary depending on the human body, but if it is significantly less than the norm, then in conditions of dryness and warmth of the oral cavity, pathogens quickly multiply and provoke unpleasant odor;
diets – with severe dietary restrictions or long breaks between meals, the body burns fat for energy. This also provokes bad odor;
pathologic conditions. This includes pathologies of tonsils, sinuses, stomach, kidneys, pancreas;
infestation of the mucosa with fungus. It can be recognized by the presence of white or yellow plaque on the tongue, mucous membranes, well, and by a strong unpleasant odor.

Methods of struggle

Those who suffer from an unpleasant odor are looking for ways to get rid of it. The first is thorough oral hygiene. This includes 2 times brushing the teeth, tongue, cheeks. It is worth flossing to remove hard food particles from the interdental space. It is important to choose the right toothpaste. Bad breath in the morning will help to remove evening brushing, as well as drinking a glass of water and a solid breakfast.

Regular visits to the dentist are also important, it is actually inexpensive. If any pathologies are detected early, treatment will not only be faster, but significantly cheaper.

Odor can also provoke a strong-smelling food. If you are a fan of onions, garlic, spices, coffee, alcohol, it is worth reducing their consumption or not at all. The cost of such prevention is minimal, except for the struggle with your own habits.

It is important to eliminate mouth breathing, in which the mouth dries out, which creates an acceptable environment for bacteria, in which they instantly multiply. Before going to bed, it is worth cleaning the nasal passages, perhaps rinse the nose with a saline solution. That is, do everything to avoid problems with nasal breathing at night, because it is in sleep a person can unconsciously breathe through the mouth.